Embracing the Present: Overcoming Fears and Living Fully

I did something quite brave and left me a little vulnerable last week.

It wasn’t until after I had finished that I realised what I’d done.

I took part in a ‘live’ chat over on IG and although I have no regrets in doing it, I do wonder if it was right in a business sense.

However, I have had so many DMs since congratulating me and reinforcing my ‘brave’, that it’s led me to write a little on here.

Fear is a natural human emotion, a survival mechanism that alerts us to potential dangers. However, when fear becomes a constant companion, it can hinder our ability to live in the present and enjoy life to its fullest. Overcoming these fears is not an overnight process, but with patience, understanding, and a few strategies, it is entirely possible.

  • Understanding Fear

The first step in overcoming fear is understanding it. Fear is often rooted in uncertainty and the unknown. It's our mind's way of trying to protect us from potential harm. However, when fear becomes excessive, it can lead to anxiety and prevent us from taking risks or trying new things.

  • Mindfulness and the Present Moment

Mindfulness is a powerful tool in overcoming fear. It involves focusing our attention on the present moment, accepting it without judgment. When we practice mindfulness, we learn to observe our fears without letting them control us.

To practice mindfulness, start by taking a few minutes each day to focus on your breath. Notice the sensation of the air entering and leaving your body. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back to your breath. This simple practice can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, including fear.

  • Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations can also help in overcoming fears. These are positive statements that you repeat to yourself to challenge negative or fearful thoughts. For example, if you're afraid of failure, you might repeat to yourself, "I am capable and can handle whatever comes my way."

  • Seeking Professional Help

If your fears are significantly impacting your life, it may be helpful to seek professional help. Therapists and counsellors are trained to help you understand and manage your fears. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), for example, is a type of therapy that can be particularly effective in treating fears and anxiety. Your GP is also there to help you and sometimes medication is the way forward and right for you at this moment in time. Never, ever be ashamed to ask and seek help.

  • Living in the Present

Living in the present means fully experiencing each moment as it comes, without letting fear of the future or regrets about the past get in the way. It involves accepting things as they are, rather than as we wish they were.

Living in the present doesn't mean ignoring your fears. Instead, it means acknowledging them and choosing to move forward despite them. It means taking risks, trying new things, and fully embracing the richness of life.

Overcoming fears and living in the present is a journey, not a destination. It's about progress, not perfection. So be patient with yourself, celebrate your victories, and remember: every step forward, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction.


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